Global innovation: Syntellix products available in more and more countries
Syntellix is expanding with a great deal of commitment from its domestic market in Germany into the competitive market world-wide. With a globally unique selling point and a unique product portfolio "Developed, designed and made in Germany", this has all been done with a sense of proportion, but also with an enormous level of self-confidence. The health systems in almost all countries around the world are being put under pressure by the rise in demand for health care, more demanding patients, and the need to improve cost-efficiency. MAGNEZIX® - the world's only transformable, metallic implant - saves patients unnecessary pain and suffering, provides greater quality of life, and opens up considerable and transparent cost savings opportunities for health service funding agencies. These advantages are in demand world-wide.
In addition to the DACH region, Syntellix AG is also represented internationally by selected distribution partners. We are continually expanding our international distribution in accordance with our strategy. An important aspect here is scientific co-operation with leading medical practitioners in each location. Our distribution partners provide the basis for this cooperation through their direct contacts with clinics and health service authorities, by participating in international congresses and specialist trade fairs, as well as via the relevant workshops. These activities are provided with scientific and marketing support from the dedicated team in Germany.