

Future-proof thanks to transparency

For us, compliance is more than to follow rules and laws.

It's all about high standards

Ever since our company was established, we have acted in accordance with all of the valid regulations and best practice concerning compliance and risk management. This is part of our duty towards patients, doctors and scientists. 

Our products and services satisfy the very highest standards with respect to quality management systems, and our open and trusting conduct towards one another underpins the legal certainty of our company. Our risk management satisfies the very demanding requirements stipulated in the medical technology products sector, and is upheld with commitment and dedication throughout the company. 

On the other hand, we also act with the highest levels of integrity and  appreciation with respect to our business partners and owners. We comply with all mandatory and ethical regulations, as well as the different cultures in the countries in which we are represented. 


"Right from the start, our Supervisory Board stipulated the highest demands with respect to compliance and risk management. As an innovative start-up company, we often chart completely new courses. However, when it comes to compliance and risk management, we are guided by the tried-and-tested standards and benchmarks of well established and responsible major companies."